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Related Skills

  • Effective oral and communicating skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Effective writing capability
  • Creativity – using sounds, color, imagery and art
  • Reporting and computer skills
  • Knowledge of computer software
  • Ability to create influential and entertaining messages
  • Strong research capabilities
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Attention to detail and well organized
  • Individual and a good team player
  • Understanding of different cultures
  • Demonstrate curiosity, confidence, assertiveness, creativity, initiative, tact, competitive spirit, enthusiasm, persistence, and diplomacy.
  • Display appropriate talents for public performance and appearance such as sense of humor, verbal and written communication skills, imagination, showmanship and an outgoing personality.

Being Successful in the Field

  • Develop excellent technical and computer skills, especially internet proficiency and knowledge.
  • Engage in related extra-curricular opportunities available at ISU.
  • Seek opportunities for experience in any performance situation such as drama, debate, public speaking, music or athletics in order to demonstrate talent as well as ability to handle pressure.
  • Secure an internship for any area of mass media endeavor.
  • Consider shadowing or informational interviewing as a means through which to gain information, develop contacts, build mentoring relationships, and gain entry into a competitive field.

Related Fields

  • Programming
  • Production
  • Promotion
  • News Reporting
  • News Producing
  • News Videography
  • Sportscasting
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Anchoring
  • Management
  • Sales


  • Major networks
  • Commercial broadcast stations
  • Public television stations
  • Cable television
  • Private production companies
  • Government
  • Business corporations


  • Gain work experience with campus or local television stations.
  • Seek part-timeor volunteer opportunities with independent production companies.
  • Participatein drama club – directing, acting or technical crew.
  • Develop excellent writing, reporting and editing skills.
  • Volunteer to announce sporting events on campus or at local high schools.
  • Consider taking courses in political science, economics, sociology or any applicable field for news broadcasting careers.
  • Read trade publications.


  • News
  • Programming
  • Production
  • Promotion
  • Management
  • Announcing
  • Sales


  • National networks
  • National public radio
  • State or regional networks
  • Major, medium, and small market stations


  • Gain campus or local radio experience.
  • Secure internships.
  • Announce sporting events.
  • Host music programming for parties and social events.
  • Coordinate, program, and promote musical events.
  • Gain performance experience through music, drama, or public speaking.
  • Create a demonstration tape to be used as a sample of vocal and speaking talent.


  • Webcasting
  • Web Design/Development
  • Web site Maintenance
  • Management
  • Administration


  • Internet based companies (e.g., Yahoo)
  • Large corporations
  • Colleges and universities
  • Companies specializing in webcasting services and technology


  • Gain expertise in computer and Internet technology.
  • Learn how to design Web sites.
  • Seek certifications in networking, Web site design, or related areas.


  • Media Planning
  • Media Buying
  • Account Services
  • Print Production
  • Marketing
  • Administration
  • Copywriting
  • Art/Creative Directing
  • Research
  • Announcing


  • Television and radio stations
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Internet based companies
  • Advertising agencies
  • Corporate advertising departments
  • Media (research, marketing)
  • Specialty advertising firms


  • Obtain sales experience through part-time work or internships.
  • Volunteer to sell advertising space for campus newspaper, radio, or television station.
  • Take courses in business to increase financial knowledge base.
  • Complete internship with advertising agency or market research firm.
  • Compile portfolio of writing,graphics, and ideas for creative development.
  • Gain knowledge/experience withsoftware and technology applicable to media.
  • Take course in statistics, datainterpretation, writing, and advertising.

Non-Broadcast Video Systems

  • Directing
  • Management
  • Production
  • Writing
  • Post-Production/Editing
  • Videography


  • Freelance or private video production companies or videographers
  • Large corporations
  • Universities and colleges
  • Post-production companies
  • Professional associations
  • Non-profit organizations


  • Obtain entrepreneurial knowledge and experience through starting a small businessor taking business courses.
  • Volunteer to do video editing/production for campus videographers or television stations.
  • Gain contacts in the specific industry of interest (e.g. develop relationships with wedding photographers in order to build wedding videography business).
  • Enter video contests.
  • Cultivate artistic talents.
  • Seek internships with post-production or editing companies.

Other Professions

  • Ad Taker
  • Advertising Copywriter
  • Advertising Director
  • Audio Engineer
  • Camera Operator
  • Columnist
  • Communication Consultant
  • Community Affairs Director
  • Editor
  • Executive Director
  • General Manager – TV/Radio
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Managing Editor
  • Media Buyer
  • Media Coordinator
  • News Director
  • On-air Personality
  • Personal Director
  • Personal Manager
  • Producer
  • Production Assistant
  • Production Manager
  • Program Director
  • Radio and TV Journalist
  • Set and Props Manager
  • Staff Announcer
  • Technical Writer/Communicator
  • Training Specialist
  • TV Copywriter
  • TV Traffic Supervisor
  • Video/Film Operator

Career Industry Liaison

Name Office Email Phone
Kristy DeWall  223 Bone Student Center  (309) 438-2200 

Internship Coordinator

Name Office Email Phone
Tom Lamonica  Fell Hall 456  (309) 438-8578