Dr. Chad Woolard
- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
128.004Gender In The Humanities
210.001Communication And Critical Thinking
201.001Communication And Social Issues
110.018Communication As Critical Inquiry
110.037Communication As Critical Inquiry
110.069Communication As Critical Inquiry
202.002Persuasive Communication
Ph D Higher Education Adminstration
MS Communication
BFA Communication
Book, Authored
Book, Chapter
Journal Article
Woolard, C., & Hunt, S. K. (2019). Incorporating political engagement in general education: An examination of the effects of participation in a political research action project on students’ perceived relevance, efficacy, political understanding, and political engagement skills. Journal of General Education, 68, 54-74. doi:10.5325/jgeneeduc.68.1-2.0054
Woolard, C. E., & Hunt, S. K. (2020, April). Incorporating political engagement in the basic course: An examination of the effects of participation in a political research action project on students’ perceived relevance, efficacy, political understanding, and political engagement. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled) (Top 5 Paper, Communication Education Interest Group)