Dr. Jodi Hallsten Lyczak
Instructional Assistant Professor
School of Communication
FEL Fell Hall 417
Office Hours
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
329.001Theory and Research in Organizational Communication
329.002Theory and Research in Organizational Communication
323.001Theory And Research In Small Group Communication
323.002Theory And Research In Small Group Communication
Teaching Interests & Areas
Mass Communication
Organizational Communication
Research Interests & Areas
Leadership, In-Group and Out-Group Communication, Organizational Culture/Organizational Climate, Higher Ed
Ph D Higher Education Administration
Illinois State University
Normal, Illinois
MA Communication Studies
University of North Dakota
Grad Forks, North Dakota
BA Speech Communication
University of Minnesota Duluth
Duluth, Minnesota
Outstanding University Teacher Award, Category II
Illinois State University
Hallsten Lyczak, J. L. & Thomas, L. J. (2022, November 17-20). Informing the Twittersphere: A social media approach to original research presentations [GIFTS activity panel presentation]. National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.