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Lance Lippert

School of Communication
FEL Fell Hall 464
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 2:00-3:00 pm; Tuesday & Thursday 10:00-11:00: & by appointment.
  • About
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


He is the Program Coordinator for the Communication Studies Program in the School of Communication. Lance has published on topics in the areas of organizational, health, and instructional communication. He holds degrees from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and Fort Hays State University. He has consulted for various public, private, and governmental organizations including health care, small business, large and small corporations, education (higher education and K-12), and non-profits to help them improve organizational effectiveness. Presently, he teaches organizational communication, leadership communication, health communication, training & development, and qualitative research methods.

Current Courses

287.023Independent Study

433.001Seminar In Leadership Communication

388.001Senior Capstone: Communication Studies

435.001Seminar In Communication Training & Development

388.001Senior Capstone: Communication Studies

Teaching Interests & Areas

Organizational Communication, Leadership Communication, Health Communication, Training & Development, and Qualitative Methods.

Research Interests & Areas

Workplace communication, civic & political engagement and pedagogy, applied communication, leadership communication, humor use in communication, communication in health care, instructional communication.

Comstock Graduate Faculty Mentoring Award

School of Communication

Book, Authored

Lippert, L., & Hunt, S. An Ethnographic Study of the Role of Humor in Health Care Transactions. Mellen (2005)

Book, Chapter

Angell, M., Boyd, M., Hunt, S., Lippert, L., Moore, M., & Kolloff, P. Partnership Power: Developing Preservice and Inservice Modules on Reaching and Teaching Diverse Learners. S. D. Lenski & W. L. Black (EDs), Transforming Teacher Education Through Partnerships. Mellen (2004): 434-450.
Zompetti, J., Baldwin, J., & Lippert, L. The Internationalization of a Communication Studies Major: A Global Redesign. Paaige K. Turner, Soumia Bardhan, Tracey Quigley Holden & Edda Mbula Mutua (EDs), Internationalizing the Communication Curriculum in an Age of Globalization: Why, What, and How

Book, Edited

Lippert, L., Hall, R.D., Miller-Ott, A. E., & Davis, D. (Eds.) (2019). Communicating Mental Health: History, Concepts, & Perspectives. Lexington Books.
Blaney, J. R., Lippert, L. R., and Smith, J. S. (Eds.). (2013). Repairing the Athlete's Image: Studies in Sports Image Restoration. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Journal Article

Gyamfi, P.A., Lippert, L., Baldwin, J.R., & Hooker, J.F. (2021). Predictors of patient satisfaction and perceived quality of healthcare: College healthcare providers and students' communication. Journal of American College Health, 69.
Hunt, S. K., Meyer, K. R., Hooker, J. F., Simonds, C. J., & Lippert, L. R. (2016). Implementing the political engagement project in an introductory communication course: An examination of the effects on students’ political knowledge, efficacy, skills, behavior, and ideology. eJournal of Public Affairs, 5(2), 116-151. doi: 10.21768/ejopa.v5i2.111
Simonds, B., Lippert, L., Hunt, S., Angell, M., & Moore, M. Communication and diversity: Innovation in teacher education. Communication Teacher 22 (2008): 56-65.
Hunt, S., Meyer, K., & Lippert, L. Missing the Opportunity to Advance Argumentation Instruction? Reply to Sellnow and Polcar. Argumentation & Advocacy 42 (2006): 175-178.
Lippert, L., Titsworth, B., & Hunt, S. The ecology of academic risk: Relationships between communication apprehension, verbal aggression, supportive communication and students' academic risk status. Communication Studies 56 (2005): 1-21.

Textbook, New

Hahn, L., Lippert, L., & Paynton, S. Survey of Communication Study (2011)


Horn, D., Lippert, L. R., & Hunt, S. K. (2021, June). How to go from a civically scripted campus to a civically minded campus. Presented at the Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement conference (virtual). 

Miller-Ott, A. E., & Lippert, L. R. (Facilitators). (2020, November). Spotlight panel on mental health (Part #1): Studying mental health in interpersonal relationships and families. Panel presented to the Interpersonal Communication Division, National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN
Miller-Ott, A. E., & Lippert, L. R. (Facilitators). (2020, November). Spotlight panel on mental health (Part #2): Studying mental health within organizational structures. Panel presented to the Health Communication Division, National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN

Benenson, J., Weare, A. M., Hunt, S. K., Lippert, L. R., Pickering, B., & Starke, A. (2019, April). Speaking of politics: A project to improve political engagement on campus. Panel presented at the annual meeting of the Central States Communication Association, Omaha, NE.

Davis, S., Goldberg, A., Hunt, S. K., Koether, S., Lippert, L. R., Murray, L., Pickering, B., & Thomas, N. (2019, June). Assessing campus climate for political learning. Presented at the annual Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Hunt, S. K., Lippert, L. R., Woolard, C., & Carpenter, N. (2018, June). Integrating civic learning outcomes across all majors in a school of communication. Presented at the annual Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement conference, Anaheim, CA.
Cultivating and Sustaining Social Media Analytics for Writing and Research. Central States Communication Association. (2017)
Hunt, S. K., Carpenter, N., Lippert, L. R., Woolard, C. E., Hantzis, D. M., & Bodary, D. L. (2017, November). Civic engagement in communication pedagogy: Theories, practices, and new techniques to foster student civic learning. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
Schreiner, A., Beck, A., Diel-Hunt, S. J., Hunt, S. K., Lippert, L. R., Carpenter, N. J., & Williamson, D. (2016, June). 80 million square pegs, on round hole: How civic technology is redefining the ways millennials engage with the 2016 election and beyond. Presented at the annual Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Talking SMACC about social media: How to incorporate social media analytics in the classroom.. Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium. Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technolofy. (2015)

Grants & Contracts

Building partnerships to diversify the teacher education pipeline and facilitate civic and political learning to enhance the placement of teachers in high needs areas. McCormick Foundation. Private. (2018)
Supporting Illinois State’s American Democracy Project: Expanding the pedagogy and scholarship of engagement. McCormick Foundation. Private. (2011)
Diversity: Meeting the needs of all students. Illinois Professional Learners' Partnership, U.S. Department of Education. Federal. (2001)
Mediated Immediacy: Text-based forms for teacher-student afficilation. Center for the Advancement of Teaching (Teaching-Learning Development Program). Illinois State University.
Mediated immediacy: Teacher-student affiliation and distance education in contexts. Center for the Advancement of Teaching (Teaching-Learning Development Program). Illinois State University.