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Tina McGuire

Instructional Assistant Professor
School of Communication
FEL Fell Hall 402
Office Hours
Office ​Hours: By Appointment
Zoom Office: tmmcgui Password: redbirds
  • About


I graduated from ISU with my Masters in 2018, and I am now teaching in the School of Communication and the School of Teaching and Learning and pursuing my Ed.D. I am also the PA announcer for ISU Soccer, Women's Basketball, and Softball and the Voice of the Big Red Marching Machine.

Current Courses

110.009Communication As Critical Inquiry

110.064Communication As Critical Inquiry

110.002Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education

110.003Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education

110.005Communication As Critical Inquiry: Classroom Communication-Teacher Education

216.004Prin & Practices For Teaching & Learning In Secondary School

Teaching Interests & Areas

Communication Education, Secondary Education

Research Interests & Areas

Communication Education, Athletic Communication, College Student Mental ​Health