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Public Relations Student Society of America

What is PRSSA?

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost organization for students interested in public relations and communications. We seek to advance the public relations profession by nurturing generations of future professionals. We advocate rigorous academic standards for public relations education, the highest ethical principles and diversity in the profession. PRSSA is made up of more than 11,00 students and advisers organized into 300 plus Chapters in the United States and one in Argentina (About PRSSA).

Tied To A Career

Our Chapter provides countless professional development opportunities to members through workshops, speakers, agency tours, PRSA Chapter dinners, National and Regional Conferences and more. Students can gain relevant experience in one of our three committees. PRogressive Image (PRi) is an entirely student-run firm serving three real-world clients. Relations produces all Chapter publications: our blog, Alumni Newsletter and PRemier Newsletter. Finally, the Development Committee is responsible for fundraising for the Chapter as well as planning all socials.

Contact Information

To learn more and join PRSSA, please contact the President, Meghan Smith at, or the PRSSA Faculty Advisor, Dr. Becky Hayes at Want to stay updated on PRSSA? Follow us on social media: Twitter and Instagram.

To learn more and how to apply please visit the PRSSA website.