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Association for Women in Communication


The Association for Women in Communication is the one organization that recognizes the complex relationships that exist across communications disciplines. Modern communicators must demonstrate competence in varied disciplines and be able to network and make career moves across the broad spectrum of communications fields.

Our Values

AWC is committed to work nationally and internationally for pay equity for women in the communications workplace and for freedom of information.

Our Goals

To promote the advancement of women in all fields of communications, to work for First Amendment rights and responsibilities of communicators, to recognize distinguished professional achievements, and to promote high professional standards throughout the communications field.

How Are We Connected to the School?

The Association for Women in Communication Student Chapter (AWC) is affiliated with the national organization that champions the advancement of women across all communication disciplines by recognizing excellence, promoting leadership and positioning its members at the forefront of the evolving communication era. AWC is open to all students across campus interested in leadership and professional development opportunities.

How Does AWC Connect to a Career?

AWC provides a variety of professional development opportunities to its members ranging from local civic engagement to quality leadership experience within the School of Communication. Student members benefit from a local network of successful professionals in the field of communication and have the opportunity to be paired with a mentor in the students' desired career field. Chapter members also participate in job shadowing opportunities, plan networking events, host professional development workshops and are civically engaged on campus and in the community.

Contact Us

To learn more and join the AWC Student Chapter, please visit our website at, or contact the AWC Faculty Advisor, Stephanie Duquenne at

Follow us on social media: Facebook and Twitter.