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Graduate Student Association

School of Communication Graduate Student Association (GSA)

Who can be involved?

All graduate students in good standing in the School of Communication are welcome to attend any/all events and utilize any/all resources provided by GSA. The level of involvement for membership is up to each individual member.

Other than running for an officer position, there is no formal application necessary to be a member.

GSA has five active officers. These positions are: President, Treasurer, two Event Coordinators, and a First-Year Representative. The First-Year Representative is elected at the beginning of each academic year. All other elections take place at the end of the spring semester.

What does GSA do?

gradstudents gathered around a table

We provide funding for academic opportunities for Master’s students through University grants and organized fundraisers.

We plan events to bring the graduate students of the School of Communication together and build interpersonal relationships between students, faculty and staff. Historically, events have included chili cook-offs, pre-winter break parties, and other casual community events.

We provide professional development and networking opportunities, as well as share available resources provided by the University.

Want more information?

Please contact the Graduate Program Director, Dr. Becky Hayes at