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Journalism Certificates of Excellence

The Certificates of Excellence program is designed for high-achieving Journalism majors. You can sign up here!

The world of Journalism is complex. Convergence in the news - the coming together of a range of mediums, such as print and the Internet – means that the budding reporter must be proficient in a wide range of skills and techniques; from writing and interviewing to editing film and working on a website. Yet at the same time, the job candidate will need to show evidence of having acquired mastery in at least one area of specialization that will lead to a specific niche in the news, such as TV anchor or sports reporter. In short, the successful candidate will be a Jack or Jackie of all trades, but a master of at least one.

Journalism students can pursue up to (2) Certificates in the following areas:

  • TV and Online Reporting
  • Radio and Online Reporting
  • Print and Online Reporting
  • Multimedia Design and Production
  • Multimedia Sports Reporting
  • Documentary Reporting and Production
  • Multimedia Arts and Culture Reporting
  • Social Media Analytics, Reporting and Production

All Certificates require the satisfactory completion of the Journalism major required classes, as well as demonstrating exceptional competence in the Certificate areas by gaining a major grade point average of at least 3.3/4.0.

All Certificates require COM 398: Professional Practice in Communication (internship for credit). You will need to complete separate internships for each Certificate you pursue.

For all Certificates that require COM 267, you must earn a "B" or higher.

Participation in the program is voluntary. You can elect to remove your name at any time. Students that complete Certificate area(s) and that maintain a 3.3 major GPA will be recognized during their graduating semester and will receive a Certificate.

If you have any questions, please contact Kate Boutilier, academic advisor, at