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Related Skills

  • Effective oral and written communication skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Effective writing capability
  • Creativity – using sounds, color, imagery and art
  • Reporting and computer skills
  • Ability to create influential and effective messages
  • Strong research capabilities
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Attention to detail and well organized
  • Learn to work well individually and on a team, and develop leadership skills.
  • Understanding of different cultures 

Being Successful in the Field

  • Explore specializations within major and professional field. Select electives to enhance knowledge in area(s) of interest.
  • Obtain experience through part-time employment, co-op, internships, or volunteer experience.
  • Get involved in campus activities and professional organizations.
  • Get experience with public speaking by joining Toastmasters.

Related Fields


  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Management
  • Human Resources
  • Training and Development
  • Labor Relations
  • Writing/Editing
  • Office Management


  • Product and service organizations
  • Retail stores
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Manufacturers
  • Financial companies
  • Insurance companies
  • Hospitals and other healthcare organizations
  • Print and electronic media
  • Other business corporations


  • Develop strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • Demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Learn to work well on a team.
  • Join related professional associations. Get involved in other campus organizations.
  • Take business courses or earn a business minor.
  • Gain experience through internships, part-time, or summer jobs.
  • Develop computer skills in areas such as spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software.

Public Relations/Advertising

  • Public Relations
  • Advertising
  • Marketing
  • Corporate Public Affairs
  • Development
  • Media Analysis/Planning
  • Creative Directing
  • Writing/Editing
  • Audience Analysis
  • Public Opinion Research


  • Private corporations
  • Public service organizations
  • Public opinion research firms
  • Public relations firms
  • Advertising agencies
  • Public opinion organizations
  • Radio and television companies
  • Sports and entertainment organizations
  • Hospitality and tourism industry
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Consulting firms
  • Freelance


  • Develop excellent writing skills.
  • Gain experience through internships, even if unpaid.
  • Serve as public relations officer of an organization.
  • Take additional courses in marketing, advertising, public relations, or other area of interest.
  • Develop a portfolio of writing samples, ad campaigns, and other relevant work.
  • Join related professional associations.
  • Be willing to move to locations with greater numbers of job opportunities.
  • Be prepared to start at the bottom and work to more desirable positions.


  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Copywriting
  • Publishing
  • Producing
  • Managing/Directing
  • Research
  • Media Sales


  • Publishing firms including newspaper, magazine and book
  • Internet sites
  • Television and radio stations
  • Film industry


  • Develop excellent interpersonal and presentation skills.
  • Take elective courses in journalism, broadcasting, public relations, and advertising.
  • Develop research skills.
  • Work for campus or local newspaper, radio station, or television station.
  • Get related experience through internships, even if unpaid.
  • Learn desktop publishing, webpage design, and other computer skills.


  • Administration
  • Program Coordination
  • Grant Writing
  • Writing/Editing
  • Fundraising
  • Volunteer Coordination


  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Professional associations
  • Chambers of commerce
  • Community centers
  • Philanthropies
  • Hospitals


  • Take courses in psychology, sociology, or social work to broaden perspective.
  • Volunteer with community and campus organizations.
  • Learn to work well with different types of people.
  • Develop a wide array of skills including writing, speaking, budgeting, grant writing, and leadership.


  • Public Information
  • Campaigning
  • Programming
  • Legislative Assistance
  • Research
  • Lobbying
  • Conflict Negotiation


  • All branches of local, state and federal government
  • Political parties
  • Political action committees


  • Learn local, state, and federal government job application processes.
  • Take courses in conflict management and develop negotiation skills.
  • Volunteer to work on a local political campaign.
  • Join related student organizations and earn leadership roles.
  • Find an internship with a government organization to get a foot in the door.
  • Maintain a strong grade point average as many government programs are very competitive.


  • Law Assistance
  • Prosecution
  • Defense
  • Contractual
  • Corporate
  • Nonprofit or Public Interest
  • Government
  • Mediation
  • Lobbying


  • Law firms
  • Government agencies
  • Corporations
  • Public interest organizations
  • Private practice
  • Colleges and universities


  • Plan on attending a specialized paralegal training school or law school depending upon area of interest.
  • Participate in a debate or forensic team to hone communication skills.
  • Join pre-law organizations.
  • Obtain a part-time or summer job at a law office.
  • Take courses in and gain experience with mediation and conflict resolution.


  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Student Support Services including: Admissions, Advising, Development, Student Affairs, Recruitment, Alumni Affairs


Colleges and universities


  • Ph.D. required for teaching and research in colleges and universities.
  • Maintain a high grade point average and secure strong faculty recommendations.
  • Earn a master's degree in college student personnel or a related field for administrative positions.
  • Get involved in campus leadership roles in residence halls, student unions/activities, programming boards, etc.

Other Professions

  • Admission counselor
  • Advertising
  • Audio visual consultant
  • Biographer
  • Columnist
  • Commentator
  • Consumer Advocate
  • Copy Writer
  • Critic
  • Customer Relations
  • Editor
  • Entertainment Agent
  • Event Planner
  • Event Fundraiser
  • Human Resource Administrator
  • Journalist
  • Librarian
  • Lobbyist
  • Public Information Officer
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Sales Representative
  • Technical Writer

Career Industry Liaison

Name Office Email Phone
Kristy DeWall  208 Bone Student Center  (309) 438-2200 

Internship Coordinator

Name Office Email Phone
Tom Lamonica  456 Fell Hall  (309) 438-8578